Consumer Economics
unit 2 vocab list 1
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Unit 2 vocabulary


Passbook Savings: Low interest savings account very liquid and safe if insured.     


Certificate of Deposit: A savings account that gives you a fixed rate of return higher than a passbook savings, but you must remain locked in for a fixed period of time.


Money Market: Insured deposits with limited number of checks and withdrawals allowing bank to use your money as a short term loan.


Pension and Retirement Funds: Tax deferred retirement accounts

401(k) 403 (b) IRA’s


Corporate Stock: Ownership in this type of security allows you a voice in corporate decision making by voting.


Corporate Bonds: You are not buying into a company you are lending them money, you  can receive dividends.


Mutual Funds: Diversifies your stock investments with some possible fees and expenses


U.S. Savings Bonds: Loans to the U.S. Government


Bonds: Loans in which interest is paid at intervals, the principal is paid at end of loan period.


Bond Ratings: The high the rating AAA the lower the interest rate and risk.


Common Stocks: Ownership in this type of security allows you a voice in corporate decision making by voting.


Preferred Stocks: Non voting ownership in a company and preference when paying dividends or if corp. goes bankrupt.   









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