Government Course Civic Action Project
To better understand the role of government in
your lives you are asked to attend a government meeting or session.
You will observe then write a short summary and analysis of either a State, City, County or school board level meeting. This summary will be a minimum of three paragraphs.
You will give a speech to the class of a minimum of 2 minutes informing the class of your impressions of the meeting
including the structure, content, and citizen involvement. Information
about meetings and sessions is available by using the links below. The written
portion of the project is due Friday May 13, 2005 and is worth 150 points, 100 points for the typed paper and 50 points for
the speech. Speeches will begin Monday May 16, 2005. Students who finish early may turn in their paper and give
their speech at pre-arranged times.
ANY of the following meetings are acceptable
School District 11 School Board Meeting
All meetings will be
held at 6:30 p.m. in the Board Room at the Administration Building, 1115 North El Paso Street, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Dates for regular meetings:
Wed. August 25, Sept.
8, Sept. 22, every other Wed. throughout the semester
City council, utilities board, or any other advisory
board listed at Meetings 1st Thur. after 1st Tue. of the Month
City council meetings are televised – 2
sessions must be reported on if this option is chosen.
County commissioners meeting or any other meetings
State of Colorado web site
Attend a session of state senate or house