Tuesday Jan. 10, 2006
Introductions through attendance
- I will list 6 things about myself, pick two that are lies
- Coached football in Texas
- Worked in Hollywood in special effects before I became a teacher
- Earned my doctorate in August so you may call me Dr. Duensing
- Olympic training team for team handball
- Am a huge Red Wings fan
- I am a world class skier
- Pick 3 things about yourself one of which is a lie
- Two circles are formed one within the other meet someone new giving your three items they guess the lie
- Share some with the class
- Class outline return it by Friday signed 25 points, Monday 20 points
- Warm up: Political cartoon
Wed. Jan. 11, 2006
1. Begin in the computer lab view documents
- Seating Chart is assigned
- Collect classroom guidelines
- Warm up #1 Political Awareness
Political Cartoons. What is the illustrator’s point?
- Mission Statement and goals
- K-W-L the course/ Concept
- Semester Pr-Test
Thursday Jan. 12, 2006
1. Go to Library to pick up
2. KWL the semester
3. Semester pre-test
Friday Jan. 13, 2006
Friday January 13, 2006
- Collect requirement sheets.
- Finish test and go over the
- Show 10 minute clip from PBS
on voting rights
- Debrief simulation
- Hand out vocabulary due Wed.