U.S. Government
U.S. Government Course Overview
U.S. Government Course Overview
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Unit 5
Local Government Participation Project
Final Exam Review

United States Government

Course Information: Mr. Duensing


E-mail: duensrm@d11.org            Website: http://dhsvideo.tripod.com

Office: Room 182     Office Phone/Voice:  328-6557

Office Hours:  Monday- Friday 8:00- 9:00, 2:05-3:20


Welcome to the United States Government course!  This one semester course in United States Government is designed to enhance responsible and informed participation in civic life.  This course will incorporate the Colorado Civics Content Standards.  Key themes will include the purpose of government and heritage of United States government, comparative governments, the Constitution as a living document, political parties, state and local government and government involvement in world affairs, citizenship roles, rights, and responsibilities.


Thematic Units of Study:

q       Unit I:   Origins of U.S. Government                     (3 weeks)

q       Unit II:  The Constitution and Courts                     (4 weeks)

q       Unit III:  Political Parties & the Election Process   (2 weeks)

q       Unit IV: Congress                                               (3 weeks)

q       Unit V:  Presidency & Foreign Policy                   (2 weeks)

q       Unit VI: Local Government                                   (1 week)

q       Unit VII:  Citizenship Participation                        (2 weeks)


Materials and Supplies

q       3 section spiral notebook dedicated to this class only

q       Pencils and pens

q       Dictionary (pocket dictionary desired)


Grading Average Points Per Assignment

q       Daily work/Homework:                             25                     points

q       Quizzes:              (4-6)                            50                     points

q       Notebook Checks (3)                               50                     points

q       Tests:                      (4)                         100                     points

q       Semester Exam (14% of final grade)       200                     points

q       Citizen participation project                    150                     points

q       Research Paper                                    325                     points

q       Estimated Total Points                        1300-2000             points


Late/Make Up Work

q       You are given the same amount of time missed in class for an excused absence to make that work up except for long term projects or papers.

q       If working in teams, the excused absence will not give the team extra time to complete the required work.

q       Late work will be penalized half credit and will not be accepted after 2 days.


Read the above classroom guidelines.  Sign and detach this portion to return to the teacher.  This is the first assignment of the quarter.  This is worth 25 points.  If you have questions e-mail or call me at the numbers listed above.


Student Name: ________________________________________________


Student Signature:_____________________________________________   


Date:_____________Parent  Signature:____________________________